The @Steam version of “UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH: Exe-Late [cl-r]” will be released on 3/26!
If you already own the Steam version of “UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH: Exe-Late [st]”, the update will be free! This update includes more than 1000 balance adjustments and new moves for existing characters.
*NOTE: This update does not include the DLC character Londrekia.
We also offer two bundles to meet the needs of new buyers and existing customers.
All the above DLCs will also be repackaged into 2 separate bundles for new and older players’ needs!
1) UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r] Pack – the ultimate all-in-one-pack that includes ALL DLCs for both UNIST AND UNICLR!
2) UNICLR Upgrade DLC Pack – look here if you already own UNIST, and want to enjoy the full content for UNICLR! All DLCs for UNICLR included.
More information here:…/ann…/detail/1717499322297641858